Commentator, ‘Mental Aerobics and the History of Empire’, JHIL lecture by Prof. Lauren Benton, Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, 5 June 2022.
Online talk, ‘Pan-Africanism and the History of International Law’, Max Planck Heidelberg Theory Talks, , 28 April 2022.
Webinar, ‘British Treaty-Practice in West Africa’, Empire, International Law and History, Jindal Global Law School, 18 November 2021.
Webinar: ‘Methods of National Histories of International Law’, European Approaches to International Law in a Historical Perspective, European University Institute, Florence, 11 May 2021.
Workshop participant: 'Writing Legal Lives. Histories of International Law, Center for History and Economics', Harvard University, 28-30 April 2021.
Online talk: ‘The Historiography of International Law in Sub-Saharan Africa’, University of Edinburgh, organized by Prof. dr. Nehal Bhuta, 29 October 2020.
Conference presenter: ‘A Disappointment bitterer than Jordan Apples’: African Nineteenth-Century Accounts of European International Law’, ESCLH Postgraduate Conference in Comparative Legal History, University of Augsburg, 27-29 June 2019.
Workshop: ‘Benevolent Aggression and Exemplary Violence in West Africa’, New Perspectives on Law and Empire in the History of International Law, University of Edinburgh, 10 October 2019.
Conference: ‘British Abolitionist International Law (1840-1880)’, ASAUK (African Studies Association UK), University of Birmingham, 11-13 September 2018.
Conference: ‘West African Resistance and the Formation of British Abolitionist International Law (1840-1880)’, Legal Histories of Empire: Perspectives from the Colonized, University of the West Indies (Barbados), 11-14 July 2018.
Conference: ‘Suarez between Tyrannicide and Terrorism’, The Legal and Political Thought of Francisco Suarez, KU Leuven, 24-25 November 2017.
Conference: ‘The Roots of Britain’s Imperial International Law in West Africa (1815-1885)’, British Legal History Conference, University College London, 5-8 July 2017.
Conference: ‘Anglo-African Legal Connections: Protection on the Gold Coast (1807-1830), Belgian-Dutch Legal History Conference, Maastricht University, 16-17 December 2016.
Conference: ‘Britain, West Africa and the Formation of British Imperial International Law’, International Law in the Long Nineteenth Century, KU Leuven, 24-25 November 2016.
Seminar: ‘Banishing 'Barbarous Customs': British Imperialism and Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction in Africa (1815-1865)’, Seminar Series on International Law, University of Ghent, 19 May 2015.
Conference: ‘Prelude to the Scramble for Africa: West African and European International Law in Transition (1807-1830)’, XXst Young Legal Historians Forum, Tel Aviv University, 1- 3 March 2015.
Conference: ‘The Sphere of Influence in International Law’, Belgian-Dutch Legal History Conference, University of Brussels, 11-12 December 2014.
Workshop: ‘The International Legal Dynamics of British Imperialism: the Problem of the (Wo)Man-on-the-spot’, Workshop Recent Research in the History of Public International Law, University of Ghent, 23 May 2014.
Conference: ‘Rebels with a Common Cause? Syria, International Law and the History of the UK Foreign Enlistment Act’, XIst Young Legal Historians Forum 2014, Cambridge University, 2 April 2014.
Seminar: ‘Neutrality, State Recognition and the History of the UK Foreign Enlistment Act’, Visiting Scholar Seminar Series, Cambridge Lauterpacht Centre for International Law, 25 March 2014.